Playstation 4?

UPDATE: A Sony rep has commented on the videos. Click here to read more.

ps41 Playstation 4?Well, the PS4 will, presumably, be released at some point in the future. And maybe it will be sooner rather than later. A Youtube account called SCElabs (Sony Computer Entertainment labs, I would think) has posted a pair of videos, one called “PS4 – Playstation 4 – Leaked Viral Video” and another called “PS4 – Playstation 4 – Leaked Launch Trailer,” and, for reasons that don’t need to be explained, my interest has been piqued. Hit the jump for more.

The description on the one labeled “viral” says this: “Leaked clip from a viral campaign for the eventual release of Sony’s Playstation 4.” So there’s no reason to assume the PS4 is imminent unless Sony says so at E3 next week, and these videos may just be elaborate hoaxes anyway.

But even if they are hoaxes, they’re pretty cool and worth the two minutes it takes to watch both of them. So watch them, and then tell us if you think these are legit or not, because I don’t have a clue.

Viral video:

Launch trailer:

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