Given the popularity of Apple’s iPad and the veritable glut of devices coming from companies like RIM, Motorola, Toshiba, et al, it’s only logical that a site as popular as Facebook would be working on a tablet-optimized version of its site.
The social network’s CTO Bret Taylor confirmed as much during a recent interview, stating, simply enough, “We need to make a tablet version of Facebook. It’s something we’re working on right now.” Fair enough, Bret.
Now, such an admission doesn’t mean that the company is necessary working on a native iPad app (though, again, we’d be surprised if such a thing didn’t surface in the next year), but Facebook may–much to Apple’s approval, no doubt–be working an HTML5 version of the site. “Long term we think a lot of apps will be written in HTML5,” said Taylor.
Facebook has apparently been “cautious” about fragmentation–or, at the very least, having its team spread thin with a proliferation of different device platforms. “The iPad was a casualty of that internally,” Taylor added.